2014 Olympics Venue
Rosa Khutor, Sochi, Russia
Objectives and Solutions
The Alpine course layouts and mapping changed considerably during the planning process, but a detailed engineering study was commenced to document and detail the proposed snowmaking system.
The Rosa Khutor leadership team engaged local engineers along with SMI Snow Makers, Skado and the RK engineering team to assist with the lakes, pumping, cooling, water pumping and piping distribution system, power supply and distribution and communication engineering along with detailed construction schedules.
Pumping Station
There was considerable debate on the advantage and disadvantages of fan and stick snowmaking technology. The wide slopes, the limited and very marginal weather conditions, energy limitations and wind fighting capability were the key factors in Rosa Khutor selecting an all fan system with primarily fixed position tower fans. Swing arms and portable carriages were utilized on the steep slopes and flatter areas.